Marketing for Software as a Service

Software as a Service (SaaS) Marketing

Customers are driven to Software as a Service Marketing because they hope it will effectively spread the word about the benefits of their service. Those benefits include:

Reasonable upfront costs: With SaaS customers can save on upfront technology costs. SaaS Marketing typically emphasizes this smaller upfront investment.

Mobility: Marketing SaaS to B2B customers usually stresses the technology’s ability to connect a workforce that may be spread between multiple locations, even multiple countries.

Easily upgradeable: Another aspect of SaaS that SaaS Marketing emphasizes is how easy it is to upgrade with no need to go from device to device installing the latest version of this or that software program.

That said, marketing Software as a Service entails more than just listing its benefits. More often than not the talent and experience of the marketing agency is the deciding factor in whether Software as a Service (SaaS) Marketing is successful in spreading the word and generating conversions.

At PNdigital, our marketing team have copious experience marketing SaaS services for companies large and small. We understand the product to its core, are able to identify appropriate marketing platforms and can craft a promotional campaign that drives customers to the SaaS provider at unprecedented rates.

Contact the Team at PNdigital

The hosted software market is one that is becoming increasingly crowded. As companies proliferate the lines differentiating their services are beginning to blur in the minds of potential customers. By entrusting your Software as a Service (SaaS) Marketing to PNdigital you ensure your product will achieve proper visibility and market differentiation. To learn more about SaaS Marketing get in touch with the seasoned professionals at PNdigital.