Cost-effective SEO for crypto brokers
PNdigital SEO for crypto brokers is the kind of cost-effective marketing you can get any other way. Without a well-crafted SEO campaign behind it, your website is destined to wallow in the nether regions of search results where no one will ever see it.
A quality SEO campaign for crypto brokers includes the following essential components:
Keyword research: If your website does not contain certain keywords that people are using to find you
then it won’t be found. We conduct thorough keyword research and then infuse your site with these all-
important terms.
Loading speed: If your website takes more than a few seconds to load people will exit. In order to
ensure fast loading we go through your site’s content with a fine tooth comb to ensure that when we’re
done your site loads lightning fast.
Resolving backend issues: The backend coding, that combination of HTML, JS and other programming
that your site is made of needs to be clean and efficient. If it’s full of dead ends, obsolete tags and no
longer used snippets Google will flag it and prevent it from appearing on page 1.
Optimising content: Images need to be relevant and load fast. Page navigation needs to be logical and
well-organized. Written content has to be on-point and informative. The SEO team at PNdigital makes
sure your site checks all these boxes and more.
Creating backlinks: The number and quality of links pointing to your website goes a long way toward
establishing its authority. And if there’s one thing Google loves more than fast page loading it’s an
authoritative website.