Coronavirus: What Marketers Can Do
Posted by PNdigital

The Coronavirus pandemic has swept the world, and it is very much not business as usual. We are still in the early days, and no one knows how long it will go on – or how much worse it will get. Everyone is affected by this, and your business will almost certainly be affected in some way.

So what does this mean when it comes to marketing your business?

Keep Up Communication

Everyone is scared right now, and your customers will want to know what is happening with the products and services they use. Take this opportunity to remind your customers that you understand their situation and that we are all in this together. Make it clear that you are doing everything to minimise disruption, and explain any changes you are making.

This is a time for solidarity, and it’s also a time to build stronger relationships with your customers. Don’t take advantage of the situation, but simply provide people with the information they need about your business.

Let them know how they can contact you. Send emails, publish blog posts and update your social channels with all the information your customers need. Perhaps you’ve changed office hours because everyone is working remotely. Maybe you won’t be able to provide a certain product for a while. Make sure your customers know.

Don’t Stop Marketing

Don’t put the handbrake on your marketing. This crisis will end, and we will come through at the end. So keep up your marketing, but consider changing tactics. Perhaps you can focus on creating more helpful, useful, uplifting content – the sort of things people want and need right now.

Don’t put everything on hold, and continue to keep your website active by publishing content and working on your SEO. That way, when things get back to normal, you’ll be in a better situation than if you stopped everything for a few months.

Remember that economic downturns also mean less competition. If your business is strong, you could find you have less competition when things get back to normal. Don’t expect to see fast results from any marketing efforts right now – but think about the long-term benefits.

Consider Launching Special Offers

Understand that businesses are going to be in difficulties for a while, and people are going to have less money to spend. So consider planning some special offers and discounts to help them out. People will be looking to save money wherever they can, so this could be a good time to provide them with an irresistible offer.

Get the word out using content marketing, SEO and social media, which can all be relatively affordable tactics to boost visibility. Help your customers out – and keep money flowing into your business.

Look for Opportunities

Don’t take advantage of the situation and try to make a fast buck, but do look for opportunities presented by the situation.

For example, companies selling marketing tools might be putting on some tempting offers to keep money coming in, and this could be a good time to sign up to their services.

Keep Up Your Marketing

The Coronavirus will go, we just don’t know when. And we don’t know when things will get back to normal. For now, we need to sit tight, practice social distancing and do our part to halt the spread.

But don’t let it beat your business. Keep marketing, keep looking for opportunities, and improve your chances of coming out stronger on the other side.